Amazon Affiliates

How to join Amazon affiliates?

  1. Join in. Joining is easy and free. Submit your application with a short program membership form and create your first affiliate link today! …
  2. Advertise. Choose from millions of products to advertise to your visitors. …
  3. Win. Earn advertising commissions of up to 12%.

What is the Amazon ID?

To receive an identificationón (ID) as a member of Amazon, you must sign up for Amazon Associates, a free program that allows you to receive a commission, or referral amount, for purchases made by visitors to your website who are redirected to the Amazon

What is an affiliate code?

The affiliate code is a unique combination of 3-5 letters and is the key element in the mechanism of calculation of clients attracted by the Partner of Instaforex Company. Stages of operation of the affiliate code: … Payment of commissions to the Partner for the operations carried out by the Client attracted by him.
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