This system is very useful especially for the so-called microinfluencers, who can use their activity in networks to capture traffic for you. In exchange you can generate commissions for direct sales or affiliate sales. Usually this type of users prefer this system more direct, than gifts, or other systems difficult to quantify … the likes are not a meter because they are easily comparable, the deep influencers are expensive, unfaithful, and sometimes can cause reverse effect, … the format of the small influencers is much more profitable.

Give your products as a gift to referring bloggers or with commissions
Influencers can be sellers if they have the option of easy access. You can create their custom link system as they use affiliate systems and as they are very well known you will not spend time explaining how advantages work etc.

Every business can benefit from having the most influential people in their sector talk about their products or services. That’s why I recommend that you sign up the top bloggers in your field and give them some product from your online store. See which ones would be interested in writing about them on their blog. If your product is very expensive, you can give away some samples or something related, such as a free workshop or a promotional gift.

Humanize your business

Enhance your employees’ personal brand and show them
It’s the people who are exciting, not the brands.
If we have a fashion store, and people who work like fashion (which is likely) you can use that situation to encourage a taste for a brand with details that only people know how to convey. People like to see people excited, with a desire to enjoy, we all love to be told…what a good purchase you have made, it is great…that is why we must influence that situation to make a purchase a pleasant decision…neuromarketing is fundamental.

Social Networks

An effective presence in Social Networks will help you increase the diffusion of your products. Do you have to be in all of them? No, you should focus on those that are valid for your business and where your target audience is. Here I present you the most effective ones for online commerce and some tips to manage them.

The first recommendation I make is general: use participation strategies in your publications, do not leave questions or complaints unanswered, try to get customers by adding value to your content and solving any doubts they may have. Don’t forget that social networks are public platforms where virality can play for or against your online store.

Twitter to access the target audience and follow them
Twitter is ideal for reaching many unknown people and engaging in conversation through the use of hashtags. It is convenient to actively listen to what is being said about your products, since it is a network where opinions (both positive and negative) can reach a greater extent than in others. There are tools for this, such as Hootsuite and Tweetdeck, whose extension in columns to perform specific searches is undoubtedly very useful.

It is also an easy way to see what kind of users your competitors have, and if you think it is necessary, follow them and try to attract them to your online store.

Create a Fan Page on Facebook to build customer loyalty
Currently, the possibilities of selling from Facebook have increased greatly thanks to the possibility of including the buy button. However, you should not consider Facebook as if it were a replica of your online store, since it is a channel that offers other possibilities besides direct sales.

Now, or rather very soon, the Shop Facebook option will be created, the online store for facebook users, integrated with the other platforms. A much awaited functionality. But remember that the shop is from Facebook, including your profile… And you can not stop selling on other sites, such as google, which we will see how relevant gives the content of those stores. You have to follow it up.

On the other hand, on Facebook you can share photos of your products and links to relevant posts on your website or other interesting pages. But, above all, Facebook is made to talk to your customers and to make them loyal. A customer service tool that not all online stores use, which is a mistake.

Go for the visual with Instagram

This social network has a lot of acceptance among a certain profile of users, more and more it mixes things from other social networks, looking for a false uniformity, and above all a total dependence.

Instagram is the number one international photo social network. It is growing by leaps and bounds and can be very useful if you have a physical shop as well as an online store. That is, if you have offline activity and customers. Among other things, it allows you to tell the day to day of your business and the history of your brand through images.

Instagram is very focused on user interaction. Imagine the opportunity to share photos of your fans showing off your products. A great way to build trust with your potential buyers and make them feel part of your brand. It needs to be fed frequently so that it is useful, even several times a day, something that will take continuous effort.

LinkedIn. Be professional.

The company’s social network par excellence, LinkedIn, will not only generate visibility to the dissemination of content, but you will also be able to approach groups of common interests to be aware of e-commerce trends.
Some of the actions you can carry out on Linkedin that will benefit you are

  • Participate in user groups interested in your sector and be active in them by contributing content and commenting.
  • Obtain recommendations from your clients and collaborators.
  • Exchange information, offer help and resolve doubts.
  • Contacting people in your field.

Sell with commercials. Promote the Offline-Online connection
With bycomercial’s direct sales system, integrated into the online and offline sales platform through a virtual catalogue in a tablet app, you can boost this system. This point is aimed at e-commerce that also has a point of sale on the street. It is important that you launch initiatives to bring your customers from offline to your social networks. If you manage to do this, you will have more ballots for them and their environment to visit your website and your online store. Here’s an example. Imagine you have a shoe store. You can propose to the people who buy shoes in your physical store that they take a picture of themselves wearing them and upload it to Instagram with a hashtag. The best pictures will be part of an album on a page of your website and will have a discount of 5 ? on their next purchase. What do you think?

Online Reputation
Online reputation or recommendations are essential to attract clients. Companies invest a lot of money in advising customers positively, in having them give their opinion, and above all in which next user they consider appropriate.

A presence in social networks will not only help you to build customer loyalty, it will also serve to promote your reputation. In other words, users who know you will give you good opinions about your products and services. It is the best advertising and the greatest favor you can do for your online store. A great platform for this is Facebook. In this sense, your main mission will be to locate your most satisfied and participative users to give them visibility and keep them always happy.