Online shops are increasingly using social networks as a communication and marketing system, to the detriment of SEO. Not because they stop (they don’t have to) carrying out SEO actions to promote products, demand, etc., but because social networks allow something new such as the viralisation of content. And what is that? Well, something as simple as with a relative effort we can achieve a lot of impact, as users can act as subscribers. Of course we are not only talking about influencers, who are paid to explain the benefits of a product, but also about normal users, who replicate a comment, or make one, because we all like to share something that we have found and that we consider useful.

This natural replication mechanism, viral, if we want to call it that, is very useful. Viralisation is not always good, because we even want it to be a small appeal, to share with a few, because when something is widely shared we consider it to be advertising and we don’t trust its recommendation. This is because we are very conscious users that networks are full of marketing purposes, very complex, and we start to discriminate which uses are appropriate.

It is much more necessary to find people to act as interlocutors, even if they are shorter and simpler recommendations than those made by influencers or professional marketers, which, although they will not reach, in principle, as many users, do have a very real commentary aspect, and tend to provoke much more active conversions. Obviously this goes against the advertising maxim of the more publicity the better, and the more people talk about me, whatever the cost. However, in a brand’s online journey, the long term is always more productive, and for that subscribers are better than influencers. In addition, the ROI is much higher, the dependency is lower, and the degree of product differentiation is high. The latter is impossible to achieve with influencers who come and go. Therefore, when the product is unique, this system is the most appropriate.

To do so, the following steps must be taken:
-Correct description of the product.
-Recommendations for use.
-Related articles.

And anything that is likely to be commented on or valued by a buyer, not an advertiser. If you sell something by highlighting what is inappropriate, or what is not of fundamental value even if it is an interesting feature, the buyer perceives it as inappropriate and will not recommend it.