The consumer of the future will not be online or offline, it will be both. Look for personalization, and differential treatment. On the internet you can compare, see options, prices, attributes, and any feature you want. But when making a decision, the opinion of an expert or a client with guarantees of objectivity is always appreciated.

What can you offer your client?
-Price special, discounts, etc
-Proposals of similar products
-Management or use. Real help and in situ on how to use or take advantage of the product.
-Personal experience
-Warranty personal
-Real contact with a person. Something that online sales can never offer.

Do physical stores disappear?
The physical stores will not disappear, but they must adapt. Offer something that does not have the purchase online.

– Immediate delivery of the product. Until now the only reason why the customer opted for physical store, along with the possibility of “touching” the product.
-Trust. When entering a physical environment the security of acquiring what one wants, claiming, conversing gives a tranquility that certain online environments do not achieve.
-More products less space. Have the possibility of offering more products than those in the store. Then you can choose but watching a sample. You increase the possibility of attributes. Shipping home, and you can go to the mall without bags.