Moving fast is a great strategy. We have to make the competition and make ourselves the competition. If we have an online or physical store and also sell on Amazon we are already following that strategy.

But we have to go beyond that. We have to sell on micromarketplace, sell from others and try to get others to sell. That doesn’t imply huge investments in big CRM software, ERP, which you know you won’t be able to manage or pay for.

It is advisable to have versatility and simple tools that everyone can use. A clear example is Whatsapp which is simple and accessible to everyone. It’s like Coke, designed for everyone and the world. If you have a waterproof system that no one can use, you can’t link it.

You always have to keep in mind:

-Create a powerful environment.
-Allows others to enter.
-Sell from others.
-Let it sell.