Having an online store is not incompatible with direct sales or arranged meetings. For this you must have a system that allows you to show the products in real time, with capacity and usability focused on the sale.

The sale by catalog is not extinguished, and is reinvented.

In the current sales market with growing competitiveness having different sales channels is the only way to achieve success in Ecommerce. To compete for prices, for free shipping, or for total availability, is to compete with companies positioned to eliminate their competition even with business dumping.

For this, the personalization of the service is an untapped strategy for many that will only be available to vendors who want to assume that their experience and ability to work can not be matched by amazon, alibaba, etc …

Being able to offer very specific products, advise and provide a close service, such as personal shopping, coach, etc. are never available to large marketplace whose only relationship with the final customer is the final delivery. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow and earn income with this additional service:

  • Product selection tips.
  • Personal delivery.
  • Real cross sale.
  • After-sales service
  • Personal contact.
  • Without investment Bycomercial is free. Use your mobile or tablet for everything.
  • Customer loyalty.
  • Compatible with other occupations, other sales systems.
  • Compatible with complex products: financial, beauty, health, education, .. where personal selling is essential.

If we make a mental effort we all remember the recommendation that we have made of an article or service, that we have recommended for free, and that well thought we could have marketed ourselves. This is the first thought of shared entrepreneurship, which will influence our lives as future participants in the multi-income economy, which favors the one that adapts to the need to have several different sources of income.